Treasurer - Michael Byrne LIPF BPE2*
I joined BPIC in September 2012 and took on the role of treasurer shortly thereafter.
Starting very much as novice photographer, I have gone on to achieve my Licentiateship (LIPF) – with the Irish Photographic Federation. I have also gained a keen interest in entering exhibitions as organised by the British Photographic Exhibitions (BPE) and have received a BPE2* Crown Award. As recognition of having 50 images selected to be exhibited.
Committee Member - Bernie Deighan
I have been a member of BPIC for the last 6 years and have enjoyed every minute of the Thursday night meetings where I have listened to guest speakers, enjoyed practical evenings and participated in club competitions. Being a club member has allowed me to grow out of my comfort zone and take on new challenges in the world of photography. My initial interests were mostly around sports and people but I am now embracing other aspects of photography such as wildlife, landscapes and street. I was delighted in 2019 to receive a PAGB ribbon for one of my images and 3 other acceptances in the NIPA end of year exhibition. I am hoping to improve my skills enough this year to go for accreditations. I am delighted to sit on the committee of a fantastic club which has many talented female and male photographers and is also very welcoming to those who are new and want to learn.