Welcome to one of the top camera clubs in Northern Ireland who offer a safe, inviting, and friendly club for everyone!
BPIC is one of 29 camera clubs in Northern Ireland, all of which are governed by the Northern Ireland Photographic Association (NIPA).
NIPA organises Inter-Club Competitions, an Annual Exhibition and many other photographic events/competitions, their programme can be found here.
Are you Novice or Principal?
A 'Novice' is someone who does not meet the criteria set out below.
Details of club members' 'Starred' images can be found on the NIPA website. This will be updated following each Interclub Round, Competition or Exhibition. It is the club’s responsibility to use this information, along with any information it may have relating to sub paragraphs 3b to 3e, to determine if their member qualifies as a ‘Novice’.
The Rules
3. With immediate effect, a person will no longer be considered a ‘Novice’ when they:
a. Obtain two ‘Starred’ images in any NIPA Competition. For the purposes of this definition, a 1st, 2nd or 3rd place in any NIPA Competition is considered to be the equivalent of a ‘Starred’ image;
b. Obtain a 3rd level academic photographic qualification;
c. Obtain a distinction from a National or International photographic body;
d. Obtain two acceptances in Salons, Open Exhibitions or the PAGB Inter-Federation Annual Print and PDI Competition;
e. Offer their photographic services, training or skills development for remuneration.
4. At any time, in relation to subsequent NIPA Competitions, the Competition Committee may, in consultation with the camera club, review the standard of an entrant's photography
NIPA Inter-club Competition
The Competition is held over the Club Season, and consists of 5 separate Rounds, with 3 sections in each:
Colour Prints
Mono Prints
Projected Digital Images
For each round a Camera Club can submit:
4 Colour Prints
4 Mono Prints
4 Digital Images
The Club holds a selection evening, where entries to represent the club are chosen. At least one of the entries in each section MUST come from someone classified as a novice. Individual club members are permitted to submit 2 images in each of above categories.
Prints should be displayed on mounts no larger than 40cm x 30cm.
Digital Images to be sized to a maximum of 1600 pixels wide and a maximum of 1200 pixels high. Any image which does not match the above pixel dimensions will be displayed with a dark grey border. They should be in jpeg format and sRGB colour space.
Some Rounds are open (i.e. any subject matter whatsoever) and other Rounds are themed.
For example: The subjects for the 'non-open' rounds of the 2023/2024 NIPA Inter-Club Competition were:
Round 2 - Still Life
Round 4 - Entertainment/Arts
Each club submits their entries, for each round, and they are judged against each other. The top entries in each section get awarded points for their club. After judging they hold an exhibition of the entries and the three judges provide some feedback on the entries. The top half dozen entries will be awarded a NIPA Star.
At the end of the Season, the Club with the most points wins the title of NIPA Top Club. There will also be a winner of each Section, Colour Prints, Mono Prints and Digital Images.
All the starred images qualify for the Top Image Competition, where the best Print and Digital Image is chosen at the end of the Season.
Detailed instructions on entering NIPA Rounds can be found here.
Detailed rules can be found on the NIPA website.
NIPA Exhibition
NIPA holds an Annual Exhibition. Any Camera Club member can enter up to 4 Colour Prints, 4 Mono Prints and 4 Digital Images.
The prints must be displayed on a maximum mount size of 50cm x 40cm. All the entries are judged by an external Judge, who selects the Top 75 Prints and Digital images. These will be used for the Exhibition, which is normally held at the Waterfront Hall in December.
NIPA Novice Competition
NIPA holds an Annual Competition for Novice photographers. (as defined by the Rules on the NIPA website) Each member can enter up to 4 prints/images in each category, Colour Prints, Mono Prints and Digital Images.
Roy Finlay Natural History Competition
This is a Natural History Competition, consisting of any natural object or organism in its natural surrounds (i.e. cultivated plants, zoo animals or pets are not eligible).
PAGB Inter-Federation Club PDI Competition
The Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB) is the UK governing body for Camera Clubs.
Each year, every federation in the PAGB chooses two clubs to represent it in this competition. This competition is held in July each year, at the University of Warwick, and entries from NIPA clubs are needed in May.
PAGB Inter-Federation Club Prints Competition
As with PDI’s above, every Year the PAGB holds a top Club Print Competition and BPIC is representing NIPA at the Competition again this Year in October. The Top Camera Clubs in the whole of the UK take part in this competition, and the quality is second to none.
The competition is held in October and the Club selects up to 20 Prints from at least 5 members.
Celtic Challenge
This consists of print and PDI entires from each of the Celtic regions. Each region can enter 10 Colour Prints, 10 Mono Prints and 10 PDIs.
The Club holds an internal Competition for the ‘BPIC Photographer of the Year’ (Novice and Advanced).
Full 2023/2024 POTY rules are here.
Fun Competitions
We also run some internal competitions more for fun than anything else!