Welcome to one of the top camera clubs in Northern Ireland who offer a safe, inviting, and friendly club for everyone!
Novice Definition (from NIPA)
A 'Novice' is someone who does not meet the criteria set out below.
Details of club members' 'Starred' images can be found on the NIPA website. This will be updated following each Interclub Round, Competition or Exhibition. It is the club’s responsibility to use this information, along with any information it may have relating to sub paragraphs 3b to 3e, to determine if their member qualifies as a ‘Novice’.
The Rules
3. With immediate effect, a person will no longer be considered a ‘Novice’ when they:
a. Obtain two ‘Starred’ images in any NIPA Competition. For the purposes of this definition, a 1st, 2nd or 3rd place in any NIPA Competition is considered to be the equivalent of a ‘Starred’ image;
b. Obtain a 3rd level academic photographic qualification;
c. Obtain a distinction from a National or International photographic body;
d. Obtain two acceptances in Salons, Open Exhibitions or the PAGB Inter-Federation Annual Print and PDI Competition;
e. Offer their photographic services, training or skills development for remuneration.
4. At any time, in relation to subsequent NIPA Competitions, the Competition Committee may, in consultation with the camera club, review the standard of an entrant's photography