
Coming Up: 4th Oct - Beginners - Bring your best images for critique/feedback

Hi All,

This week we have "Beginners - Bring your best images for critique/feedback". This is a fantastic opportunity for everyone to bring along your images digitally or in print to be viewed and to receive feedback and ways of improving yours photos by simple techniques from our more advanced members.

Whilst we don't like to encourage people to skip club nights, we felt we had to let you know that Donal McCann will be giving a talk alongside another Fellow of the RPS at Christian Brothers. This will be around both successful Fellowship panels. The evening is open to anyone wishing to attend. The address for the club for those wishing to pop along is 283-289 Antrim Road, Belfast, BT15 2GZ

I look forward to seeing you all on Thursday. As before, could I please ask for everyone's help in getting the room set up at the start of the evening and again at end. It is much appreciated.

