
Congratulations to Matthew Canning AIPF

Congratulations to Matthew Canning from BPIC who has just been awarded an Associateship at the IPF online Distinction Sitting.

Matthew had his adjudication of his AIPF Panel on abandoned homes on Sunday morning and we are delighted to announce that it was successful and Matthew has been awarded an Associateship of the Irish Photographic Federation

Please read Matthew’s statement of intent before viewing his panel of images.

Matthew Canning AIPF BPE3*

Statement of Intent

My images invite you into the varied and colourful rooms that were once the backdrop to the daily lives of the home dwellers. With the passage of time and natural decay the wallpaper and paint has peeled from the walls and torn curtains hang at a broken window.

Using natural light I wanted to accentuate the items of furniture and personal items that now remain; such as a stove that would have provided warmth and boiled the kettle. A piano that would have filled the room with music when played. A room to sew, a room to dress, a room for a well earned rest. How faith and family were a part of everyday life with framed images on the wall, the bedside table and piano.

 I invite you to stay awhile and explore the rooms of our past.