
Six NIPA Starred images in Round 2 - Genre "Still Life"

'Glasses' by Gareth O'Cathain, Belfast Photo Imaging Club, (15 marks)

'If Music Be' by Russell Birch, Belfast Photo Imaging Club, (13 marks)

'Malnut-Eyes' by Michael Byrne, Belfast Photo Imaging Club, (14 marks)

'Story Time' by Michael Byrne, Belfast Photo Imaging Club, (14 marks)

'Teasel' by Gareth O'Cathain, Belfast Photo Imaging Club, (13 marks)

'Two Down One To Go' by Stephen Weatherall, Belfast Photo Imaging Club, (13 marks)

NIPA Starred Images Round 1

Ruby Tailed Wasp - Melanie Ware

Mating Season - Stephen Weatherall

Another Holly Portrait - William Strain

Confidence - Mal Gribbon

A great start to the new season

Fantastic result and a clean sweep with Melanie Ware, Stephen Weatherall, William Strain and Mal Gribbon all receiving a star award this evening at the NIPA Round 1 adjudication in the colour print section.

Brilliant news.

Congratulations to Matthew Canning AIPF

Congratulations to Matthew Canning from BPIC who has just been awarded an Associateship at the IPF online Distinction Sitting.

Matthew had his adjudication of his AIPF Panel on abandoned homes on Sunday morning and we are delighted to announce that it was successful and Matthew has been awarded an Associateship of the Irish Photographic Federation

Please read Matthew’s statement of intent before viewing his panel of images.

Matthew Canning AIPF BPE3*

Statement of Intent

My images invite you into the varied and colourful rooms that were once the backdrop to the daily lives of the home dwellers. With the passage of time and natural decay the wallpaper and paint has peeled from the walls and torn curtains hang at a broken window.

Using natural light I wanted to accentuate the items of furniture and personal items that now remain; such as a stove that would have provided warmth and boiled the kettle. A piano that would have filled the room with music when played. A room to sew, a room to dress, a room for a well earned rest. How faith and family were a part of everyday life with framed images on the wall, the bedside table and piano.

 I invite you to stay awhile and explore the rooms of our past.


BPIC Programme For 2020/2021 Season

The excitement builds as we develop the 2020/2021 programme, we already have booked amazing guest speakers and are putting the finishing touches to the programme.

So, keep an eye here for updates.

Membership for the 2020/2021 season is now open.

Here in BPIC we make great efforts to welcome new members and this year will be no exception.

Joining Belfast Photo Imaging Club will provide you with a great opportunity to enjoy your photography with others. You will get to try new things, hear from accomplished photographers and develop your skills, letting you get more from your hobby. You may even decide to enter the world of competitive photography. BPIC is the place to do all these things.

Our programme for the year looks to provide new members with a stimulating series of talks and activities covering a broad range of topics from photographic experts across Northern Ireland and beyond. This welcome magazine also has details of the competitions we take part in. Choosing BPIC as your camera club is the next big step in you enjoying your photography in new and exciting ways and hopefully developing your skills and knowledge along the way.

So why not JOIN TODAY!

Charlie Waite returns to Belfast

Charlie Waite is an English landscape photographer noted for his "painterly" approach in using light and shade.

Born in England, he worked in theatre and television for the first ten years of his professional life before moving to photography. He is noted for his square format images using a 6x6 Hasselblad.

Charlie Waite is the recipient of a number of awards including the prestigious Honorary Fellowship to the British Institute of Professional Photography as well as Amateur Photography's 'Power of Photography Award' and is frequently invited all over the world to give lectures on landscape photography. He was awarded status of Fellowship of the Royal Photographic Society in 2014 and was invited to exhibit at the Royal Academy of Arts, London in summer 2015.

On September 21st 2019, BPIC together with sponsors WEX Photo Video, Framing Fantastic and NCS bring Charlie back to the MAC.

Admission £ 20.00 strictly by ticket only

 12:00 Noon entry for a prompt 12:30 pm start

at - The MAC — 10 Exchange Street West, Belfast BT1 2NJ.

Further details and ticket purchase are available here

Please present your PayPal receipt on arrival at The MAC to collect your event entry ticket.

John Hooton visit to BPIC


Thursday 13 December 2018 saw the return to BPIC of the renowned Irish landscape photographer, John Hooton FIPF FRPS MFIAP. John brought with him literally a car boot full of large prints. He doesn’t project his images and when you see the quality of his prints you can clearly see why. To say that the quality is outstanding seems inadequate. It’s not often that you see, on such a scale, in photographic prints, in one evening, such a range of delicacy and vibrance in colour, softness in mood and sharpness in detail, close up landscape detail and large scale vistas, and truly eye-popping three dimensionality. We knew John’s work was up there, but I think it would be fair to say he managed to exceed our expectations by quite a way.

And that was just the Landscapes! The second half of the evening featured a series of large prints from his latest work, Ireland, The Way We Were. Just fantastic! We were all in awe.

Not only did we get to see John’s prints in close up, glorious Permajet colour, but John’s description of his images and technical insights was not only educational and entertaining but also truly inspirational.

Thank you John Hooton

Member Driven Night 11 October 2018

Our 6th meeting of the new season was a member driven night aimed at sharing tips and techniques that might help all members of the club improve their photography in one way or another. The focus this week was on achieving better output in terms of image quality, and in particular colour images, whether the image would be shared as a digital image, or as a print.

Read More

BPIC Annual Dinner & Prize-Giving 2018

On Friday 1st June 2018 the Club held its annual dinner and prize-giving at Brooklyn SQ in Belfast.  There was a great turn-out from Club members and a fantastic time was had by all!

After the food and suitable refreshments, newly-appointed Club Chairman Kevin Vernon was on hand to present the prizes.  

These included the Lesley Porter Shield, the first and very worthy winner of which was Steven Pratt, Novice Photographer of the Year.  Steven, who was clearly moved by the award, said it was an honour to be the first recipient, particularly given that he and Lesley joined the club at the same time.  He said he was extremely humbled to accept the award as the first novice to do so.

Previous Chairman Brian Maguire was presented with the Advanced Photographer of the Year trophy, for the second year running.

Margaret Goodall was presented with a framed image of the stunning image that came out top in the Novice Outings Competition.

All winners were also presented with their cash prizes and special certificates to mark their achievements.

List of Prize-winners:

POTY – Novice

First Place             Stephen Pratt – Winner of the Lesley Porter Shield
Second Place        Mark Davison
Third Place            Glen Banna 

Top Mono Print        Chris Andrews
Top Colour Print        Stephen Pratt 

POTY – Advanced

First Place               Brian Maguire – Winner of the POTY Advanced Trophy
Second Place         Matthew Canning
Third Place             Lionel Mitchell 

Top Mono Print        Lionel Mitchell
Top Colour Print        Michael Byrne 

Outings Competition top Novice image

Margaret Goodall        (Framed Print)

POTY – Round 1 PDI Competition

Top mono Novice - Glen Banna.  
Top mono Advanced - Brian Maguire. 
Top colour Novice - Steven Pratt. 
Top Colour Advanced – Rory O’Donnell.