
'Tis The Season

Well, who would've thought, we're here at the beginning of a new season, it comes round fast doesn't it?

If you're interested in joining BPIC for the 13/14 season please come along to our open night this evening; 7.30pm at Morton Community Centre

You'll be able to find out all about us and see if we're the club for you.

Be there or be a square crop.

Full House

It was standing room only for the first night of the season.

It was great to see so many new faces tonight, and you can see that Barry has everyone enthralled :)

Now, if only I'd brougt something better than my iphone with me :)

Here's to a fun 12/13 BPIC season!

Two Weeks. Two Weeeks!

Two Weeks.jpg

Well, by golly gosh, can you beleive it?  It's just two weeks until the start of BPIC's 12/13 season.

If you're interested in joining, come along and see us at 7.30pm on Thursday the 6th September.

You'll be able to see what we're about, and we'll be providing details of the sign-up process on the night.

We'll see you there!

PS - The first person to name the relevance of the picture and post title in the comments gets extra geek kudos points.